2008年11月3日 星期一


上一回,我寫完同胞如何失禮;今回,我想寫寫他們的自我膨脹。新一代中國人分兩種:一是死硬派捍衛自己的國家、一是死不談政治只顧搵錢。他們的共通點是:欠critical thinking、沒有歷史感、現實得不得了。


我的新聞課班上也有一班80後中國年青人,有一回老師說起新聞自由,他問我們:「用西方的那把尺來量度中國,是不是公平?」同胞們聽罷即時道:「對,中國和西方,是兩個不同的制度。」、「中國會慢慢好起來的,不要常批評我們。」大家你一句我一句的為中共管治下的祖國辯護,然後我的大腦駒使我說了一句:「But there should be universal values, respecting human rights, freedom of expression......」說完,那班中國人一起擰轉頭,狠狠的把我看了一眼。

什麼?英國是有言論自由的地方,對不起,同胞,請不要讓我變成你們一樣 - 共產主義塑造出來的一個模。好友跟我說,跟這裏的留學生談政治要很小心,他們都是有背景的。但Sorry,我有責任捍衛自己的價值觀。

我的flatmate來自上海,開口五句三句問你與錢有關的東西,但和他談政治還是不錯的。他很想知道,如果89年6月4日中共沒有開槍的話,今日的中國會變成怎樣。我忍不住駡他:「不要嘗試為六四找藉口了!」 每一次說六四,他都是偷偷的跟我說,確保沒有第三者在場,他才告訴我父母當年的故事。說完,他好像有很多疑惑,但過了5分鐘,他又再問你:「邊度買iphone最平?」

1 則留言:

princesskwok 提到...

I guess this is the similarity to HK youngsters...we, hk chinese, always are commented to be political indifferent and just money-focused....when i read your blog, i have some reflection on what you talked about(my EPA nerves suddenly poke up)...well feelings have to be derived from experiences and visualisations...this late batch of youngsters...though they have heard many stories about 4 June, civil wars, revolutions etc...these to them, similar to fairy tales, how many have actually felt the blood-pain hurt, how many of them have actually visualised bloody death and those who actually died becuz of defending one's beliefs and values???? i guess no...so to them..these detrimental history was no different from any fairy tale....still as far-fetched as it could be...so they may feel sth..yet that feeling by no means can be as vivid and as concrete than the happiness of having an i-phone!.....so shall they be blamed for political indifference or we should feel happy they are the blessed group who didn't have to experience all those sufferings but no past no future....pple should still learn from history and avoid having same mistake again?!?!?! all these seemingly simple questions...yet different persons have different views....and is becuz of all these....there are always different pple viewing different things...so having different political parties defending their so-called values, believing what they are doing..but in the end for money or for other values...who knows.....sigh...so in a way i appreciate pple have bright mindset to find an answer to all these questions..but that doesn't come easy.....i, such a mediocre, guess i have some inner flame inside body to differentiate what is right or wrong...yet still living indifferently in real life....