2008年11月3日 星期一






PS: 一個人靜下來,想通了很多事情。原來一人生活,比起要跟一個夾不來的人走在一起,更自在、更舒服。要令自己alone but not lonely,我想到一些方法,下回再談。

1 則留言:

princesskwok 提到...

I'm truely impressed by the words "alone but not lonely" ...what a beautiful phrase and seemingly so stylish! from time to time, i would also value some alone time....reading novels, boiling dvds....yet i never feel lonely...but feeling serene and comfortable too as i believe everyone needs time to be on its own..doing reflection or at least let the mind rest (except from sleeping).....so i enjoy that too..yet how to be alone but not lonely if this is talking about a much longer time? i would value companionship....be it friends or partner.....it's always good to hear from others saying "you are not alone!" simple sentence yet have great power.....so my dear M, You are never alone!! luv you and support you forever!!! be optimistic!!! i admire you having very right values and determination to live a life you like, which i also wanna learn from you :):)....guess sometimes is not bad to learn from my optimism..though sometimes it may turn into naivity....yet after entering into the adulthood..i always believe remaining a kid's heart to a certain extent will be able to cheer yourself up from time to time....i.e. what some pple call "live the moment"...stay optimistic!!!