The Guardian《衛報》,在英國陪我渡過了多個寒夜,也是我精神上的良師益友。
看《衛報》的頭版便知道了 - 一定有一個充滿人味的故事,陪襯那悶到出汁的硬新聞(政策新聞出頭版的次數其實少之又少)。以下幾個頭版故事,都是我非常喜愛的:
1. 金融海嘯,找來一個在磚頭公司工作,但剛被裁的阿叔,由他失業的故事帶出英國房地產的暗淡。
2. 奧巴馬的副手Reggie Love,如何當上未來總統背後的男人。(這個稍後會撰文詳談)
3. African American 眼中的奧巴馬 - 'My Dad grew up being told a black person couldn't be a pilot, and my son is growing up knowing that a black person can be a president.' 金句!
《衛報》每天都有一份supplement,好像香港日月報的MP+,但《衛報》做得比日月出色100000倍 - 至少看得出別人肯放資源去做,有主題、有連貫性、貼時事,不是隨便將一些所謂有趣有Gimmick的東西放進去。周一講傳媒、周二講教育、周三講社會福利等等,每一個故事,都看得出記者花了很多功夫做資料蒐集。我最難忘的,是金融海嘯爆發不久,它們即時做了一個社福機構善款如何受壓的專題。我們香港的傳媒,好像是過了1個月才醒覺有這個角度。
2 則留言:
yes "classy" and "tasty" are always the essentials of a good piece of writing...and yes personally i also enjoy understanding how the world's running through one's experience and story e.g. pple may not be able to feel how sad the bankruptcy of lehman brothers was had not there being some retired persons invested their all life-time saivngs to the minibonds of lehman which turned out to be few pieces of scrap papers only..........becuz those retired perons' stories have turned the lehman bankruptcy into flesh and blood and more reachable in the way it seems like sth happening to your i value that.....
and i'm also impressed by the sstatements: 'My Dad grew up being told a black person couldn't be a pilot, and my son is growing up knowing that a black person can be a president.' i agree these are truely golden it gives hope and vision...nothing is better than giving hope to matter what the result is is always better to have a hope (even though may not be reachable)..than having no hope at all seeing your current devastating condition.....things are a matter of relativity....if you experience the worst...having come across some slightly less worse thing is already good......but i guess this may not be what we should feel satisfied at..... so looking forward to improvement in everything including reporting news in hk.....:):)